
Découvrez la toute première station spatiale de l’humanité à orbiter la Lune


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Retour triomphant pour l’astronaute émirati après vol spatial record.


...Earth on September 4th, 2023. This historic endeavor marked not only the UAE's second human spaceflight but also the longest space...

Début de la deuxième phase du programme spatial Analog aux EAU


...the start of phase two of the second analog study under the UAE Analog Programme. Emirati crew member Shareef AlRomaithi entered the...

Shareef AlRomaithi rejoint la nouvelle phase d’étude analogique.


Dubai: The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC)has begun phase two of the second analog study under the UAE Analog Program...

Des étudiants des EAU ont l’opportunité d’opérer un robot spatial de la NASA.


...X Engineering students from universities in the UAE have the opportunity to operate a robot currently onboard......

Megan Shutika: Accomplir l’impossible, vivre le futur… dès maintenant


...long-duration spaceflight crewmember, Frank Rubio; and two first-time fliers, Woody Hoburg and UAE Astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi. Megan Shutika has been inspired...

La NASA sélectionne une équipe pour mission simulée sur Mars


...NASA, the program will include Shareef Al Romaithi, who comes from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is participating in the...

MBRSC annonce un membre d’équipage émirati pour étude spatiale.


...Emirati crew member Shareef AlRomaithi for the second analog study of the UAE Analog Programme, as part of NASA’s Human Exploration...

Astronautes de la NASA rencontrent des élèves d’une école primaire.


...blossoms Frank Rubio, a physician and flight surgeon, Sultan Al Neyadi, first United Arab Emirates astronaut to serve a 6-month mission on...

Astronautes de la mission 69 visitent NASA Goddard et interagissent


...International Space Station. NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Warren "Woody" Hoburg, and United Arab Emirates astronaut Sultan Alneyadi all served as flight...

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