The government of Pará has launched a livestock development and traceability program, which is supported by IPAM
The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is working with the State of Pará to support the government in policies and measures of sustainable livestock farming. The first step was taken at COP 28, in Dubai, last year, with the launch of Decree 3533. This establishes the Integrity and Development Program for the Livestock Production Chain in Pará and creates the Official Individual Cattle Traceability System of Pará (SRBIPA).
The Program is the result of the collective construction of a Working Group that included, in addition to IPAM, the involvement of government and representatives from civil society. According to the first article of the decree, its objective is to “coordinate public policies and private initiative efforts with a view to the development, transparency and integrity of livestock farming in Pará, through economic, sanitary, land and socioenvironmental guarantees.” To achieve this, there are incentives for producers who adhere to the Traceability System, commercial requalification strategies for producers, the opening of markets for livestock products from Pará, and the land and socioenvironmental regularization of properties, among other guidelines.
The goal of SRBIPA is to identify individually the entire herd in the state by December 2026. Implementation will take place in 3 phases: phase 1 (2024-2025): Marabá, Xinguara, Redenção and Tucumã; phase 2 (2025): the Northeast region of Pará and Tocantins; and phase 3 (2025-2026): Marajó and Baixo Amazonas.

Credit: Rafael Coelho/IPAM